OpenJDK / IcedTea is ###p

Frank Murphy frankly3d at
Sat Jun 13 13:55:28 UTC 2009

On 13/06/09 07:08, David wrote:

> {1} I *use* what works for my bread.

It's your living, understood.

> I need 'the real stuff' for several things. And, in spite of people such
> as you, that is what I am going to use. I will continue to 'try' the
> Linux 'knock-offs' and when they do the job? Great. Until? I need 'the
> real stuff'.

What *I* would hope is that users like yourself,
that need it working\(whatever app)

Hopefully, still be willing to help out the libre stuff,
by checking\testing as an when you can.

That's all you can ask for in some situ's


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