laptop battery died while upgrading using Pre-upgrade

Bruno Wolff III bruno at
Thu Jun 18 02:56:33 UTC 2009

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 03:53:38 -0700,
  Globe Trotter <itsme_410 at> wrote:
> Any suggestions?

A reinstall might be the least painful, but I have been in similar situations
doing updates into rawhide or after major rawhide changes. Including
having kernel lockups during the upgrades.

First off, make sure you have the skip broken feature of yum enabled.
It makes it easier to get the nonconflicting updates to happen which
makes it easier to figure out where the conflicts are.

Second make sure you have the f11 and f11-updates repos enabled. You want
and f10 repos disabled.

Start by running:
That may clean up your partially completed transaction entirely.

Then try a simple yum update. If it processes a bunch of updates, great.
Sometimes the dependency checking gets in a loop trying to remove packages
that cause problems and then adding them back in. If this happens you'll
need to control c yum. There may be a delay before yum gets to a safe point
to stop. You want to wait it out if at all possible. Harsher forms of
killing yum can mess up the rpm database and then you'll need to rebuild it.
(That isn't too hard, but will add some more delay in, as this isn't exactly
a fast operation.)

In the case where there is a loop, you can sometimes get past it using
the --exclude option to remove problem packages. This works better than in
the past, so that sometimes you only need to list a couple of key packages
instead of everyone involved in the loop.

At this point I'd try clean up old stuff.

Start by doing:
package-cleanup --cleandupes

Then get a list of orphans with:
package-cleanup --orphans > somefile

The output will have a list of packages that aren't in any of your repos
(with that exact version and arch). Some of these may be things that are
obsolete, manually installed without being from a repo, things for which
an update is available but for which some problem is blocking the update.

With some massaging of the data, you can use the list on a yum list available
command to get a list of which of these packages have updates. The other ones
don't. Of the ones that don't, remove any manual additions you made and then
try yum erasing the rest. If something blocks doing the whole batch, try
doing them one at a time. For the ones that are available try updating them
one at a time.

After that there should be few if any left. And there may be actual conflicts
waiting to be resolved, so you might want to wait some time before trying
to get every last one updated.

Then since things didn't update cleanly you may want to run prelink and
rpm -Va to check that packages were properly installed. Running prelink
is just to get rid of a lot of false positive messages. It will get run
by your system eventually. You'll want to save the output of rpm -Va to
a file. There are lots of false positives. You'll see messages for any config
files you have changed. Sometimes the post install scripts change things
in a way that produce warnings as well. Pay particular attention to anything
missing. The rpms that appear to have problems based on this output should
be reinstalled (yum reinstall). For config files that you haven't touched
you may need to mv the rpmnew version of a config file over it.

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