[SEMI-OT] Impressive F11 boot speed

john wendel jwendel10 at comcast.net
Sat Jun 20 02:46:54 UTC 2009

Great job, whoever setup the F11 boot scripts.

My old Intel motherboard box, P4, boots F11 from a cold start to 
runlevel 3 in 18 seconds (includes the BIOS time). I don't use any of 
the graphical boot stuff.

I was on the phone last night with a Comcast tech trying to fix a broken 
cable modem. After lots of modem resets, he announced that I should 
reboot the box, so I said OK. About 20 seconds later, I told him the box 
was ready. He then told me he meant shutdown and reboot, not just logout 
and login. At this point I had to laugh and admit I was running Linux (I 
never tell them unless I have to, I just pretend to do the Windows 
commands they suggest). He was extremely impressed and admitted that he 
has a Ubuntu box at home. I suggested that he give Fedora a spin.



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