Encrypted Root with F11

davide lists4davide at gmail.com
Thu Jun 25 13:14:49 UTC 2009

Brian Mearns <bmearns <at> ieee.org> writes:

> > So can anyone help me get this set up properly? I have a basic
> > understanding of the boot process and I guess that something needs
> > to be changed in initrd to tell it to unlock the encrypted root
> > disk before mounting it. But I have no idea how to do that.

you do not mention your /boot partition, where is it? is it on a clear (ext3)
partition? grub cannot mount a encrypted partition.

I set up a F11 recently with LVM-over-dm-crypt. To do it, I followed a nice
guide found on the internet, basically you start with a live cd (the fedora
one), create the dm-crypt volume, mount it, create the LVM setup, start the
installation, mount all the stuff as it is supposed to be mount and it's done.

(probably grub ask about the root partition just coz it need it for stuff like
modules, logs, /dev and so on...)

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