LAN addresses in IPv6

Robert Moskowitz rgm at
Mon Mar 9 13:51:39 UTC 2009

Timothy Murphy wrote:
> Anthony Messina wrote:
>> look into radvd
> Thanks, I am looking into radvd .
> Unfortunately, its exact purpose is not clear to me.
> Is it an essential part of an IPv6 system?

Again this all comes down to what is providing you. Did they 
allocate a prefix to you? If not then you will have no use for radvd. If 
they did you have a number of steps to perform.

>> this site is helpful: 
> I had looked at this.
> Unfortunately it fell into the category of documents
> intended for somebody very different to myself,
> possibly belonging to a different species.
> Eg there is some discussion of radvd.conf ,
> but it never said that one should install the radvd package.
> (It seems to be assumed that everyone knows that radvd is.)
> Also I have no idea what to substitute for Y...Y in
> 	prefix YYYY:YYYY:YYYY:0000::/64      
> 		# advertise net 0 of 65536

On your tunnel termination box, ie your IPv6 gateway.

You have to allow IPv6 forwarding and your ip6tables has to be set up 
accordingly, or disable it. You need to set up a static IPv6 address for 
the inward facing ethernet (or WiFi) interface on this system, with the 
lower 64 bits the assigned prefix. The higher 64 bits can be anything 
you choose, there is a way to map the 48 bit mac addr into these 64 
bits, but I advise against it. Plan for the situation where the 
gateway's internal MAC address changes. This is one of my 'issues' with 
the who IPv6ops area.

No your entry into radvd.conf is relatively easy:

interface eth1
AdvSendAdvert on;
MinRtrAdvInterval 30;
MaxRtrAdvInterval 100;
prefix 1:2:3:4::/64
AdvOnLink on;
AdvAutonomous on;
AdvRouterAddr off;
route ::/0

Where eth1 is your internal interface name, and 1:2:3:4:: is the 
assigned prefix.

If your gateway has multiple interfaces or is vlaned, that is easy to 
setup, but then you need a larger prefix allocation like a /60. If you 
need mobility, I can provide the information for that too, as in my 
testbed, I have multiple vlans and move systems by moving them across 
vlans. If you have an internal router, then that is where you do all 
this and then you need IPv6static routing. I am doing that and can show 
how that needs to be set up.

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