Unable to assign command to keyboard shortcut

David Moran david at waveproductions.net
Fri Mar 13 07:40:41 UTC 2009


I am trying to create a global keyboard shortcut to quickly blank out
my monitor. I've found I can use the command "sleep 1 && xset dpms
force off" to do this. I can run this perfectly fine from the terminal
and it does exactly what I need.

I then go into gconf-editor to set up the key bindings. I assign the
command under the keybinding_commands and then create a binding under
the appropriate global_keybindings. However, the command doesn't seem
to execute when I press the hot keys.

I've tried switching around the hot keys to various options. I have
also tried creating a bash script containing the command (which runs
fine in the console) and then assigning it in gconf-editor. But,
nothing wants to work.

Any help would be appreciated.

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