Perl/Tk fedora 10

Patrick Dupre pd520 at
Tue Mar 17 15:44:51 UTC 2009


I am experiencing problem with the following code: I cannot edit the
Widget. It was working fine in fc 7.
It does seem to be link to nothing to the graphics card or with.
(I changed the graphics card). However, it work on another fc10 machine.
This one has an Intel DQ965GF Mother board.

Futhermore, if you comment the last line of code:
$frame_In -> Label (-text => 'In:') -> pack (-side => 'left') ;
the widget "frame_WaveNumb" becomes editable  !!!

Is my code wrong ?

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

#use 5.10.0 ;

use Tk ;
use strict ;

my ($main, $frame_WaveNumb, $val_Wave, $frame_In) ;

$main = MainWindow -> new () ;

$frame_WaveNumb = $main -> Frame () -> pack (-side => 'top', -pady => 5) ;
$frame_WaveNumb -> Label (-text => 'Energy (cm-1)') -> pack (-side => 
'left') ;
$val_Wave = $frame_WaveNumb -> Entry (-width => 7, -justify => 'right') -> 
pack (-side => 'right') ;

$frame_In = $main -> Frame () -> pack (-side => 'top', -pady => 5) ;
$frame_In -> Label (-text => 'In:') -> pack (-side => 'left') ;

MainLoop ;

  Patrick DUPRÉ                      |   |
  Department of Chemistry            |   |    Phone: (44)-(0)-1904-434384
  The University of York             |   |    Fax:   (44)-(0)-1904-432516
  Heslington                         |   |
  York YO10 5DD  United Kingdom      |   |    email: pd520 at

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