Mike Burger mburger at
Wed Mar 18 20:39:31 UTC 2009

>> (as witnessed by them requiring admin priveleges awhile back to run
>> XCDRoast!)
> I'm not sure why that's the case. I do know that we explicitly do not
> require root privileges for K3b, as they aren't necessary. (We also
> disable
> the check from upstream K3b which warns if wodim is not suid root, it
> works
> just fine without it!) Have you tried filing a bug against xcdroast?

It's not the case, any more, but I do recall it being an issue in FC3 or
FC4, if memory serves.

I've not seen it since FC5, and I know it's not the case in F8 or F9
(haven't tried in F10, yet).
Mike Burger

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