pymol issues with fedora 10 testing

Jack Howarth howarth at
Fri Mar 27 18:14:40 UTC 2009

   Is anyone else seeing these issues with Fedora 10 testing?
I am seeing two problems. The first only occurs on x86_64
where when pymol is started for the first time upon each
login (using the radeon drivers for X11), only the Pymol
viewer window appears. The Pymol Tk window on the top never
appears. I have to manually kill the pymol with ctrl-c and 
restart it. At this point restarting pymol always works correctly
for the second and successive attempts. I am thinking that this
has to be related to the recent update of tk-8.5.3-5.fc10.
I don't get any errors in the terminal window which starts
pymol or the messages log.
   The second problem I am seeing is with the fglrx 9.2
drivers packaged by rpmfusion. I find that these video
drivers on both i386 and x86_64 cause the Pymol demos
to be rendered in a slow jerky fashion with the entire
Pymol viewer window flashing. This didn't occur with
the previous fglrx 9.1 drivers.
ps Getting X11 to be stable for 3D usage these days
has really become a nasty game of Russian roulette.

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