Networking questions

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at
Tue May 5 01:10:23 UTC 2009

Peter J. Stieber wrote:
> I recently swapped a MB in a system.  The MB is from a different
> manufacturer that the original.  I managed to generate a new
> initrd-*.img with the proper SATA driver (the 3 drives are all SATA and
> the SATA chip was different between the MBs) and the machine boots, but
> I'm having the following problem with the network setup.
> If I set the host name to localhost.localdomain, the machine boots, but
> the network HW isn't configured until very "late in the game".  I setup
> the machine to boot into run level 3.  After the I get a login prompt I
> see the following...
<------------------[ SNIP ]------------------------->
> Why does the eth0_rename connection get generated?
> Suggestions?
> Pete
What would probable help fix this, and other problems is to delete
the persistent rules in /etc/udev/rules.d and let them get
re-created. If you are using the same CD/DVD drives, they will not
be affected, but the network rules definitely be affected by
changing motherboards when the NIC is built into the motherboard.
(70-persistent-net.rules is the one for NICs.) At a guess, I suspect
you have eth2 and eth3 instead of eth0 and eth1. If you have a
HWADDR= in your ifcfg-ethx files, you may have to remove them as well.


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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