reverting to DRI1 in F11?

Jack Howarth howarth at
Fri May 8 13:45:52 UTC 2009

   Are there any flags for the video driver in the xorg.conf file that would
revert the radeon drivers in Fedora 11 to the older DRI1 code or has that code
been totally removed from the driver? I ask because the current radeon driver
in rawhide still renders outside of the pymol viewer windows under Fedora 11
on a X1600 graphics card (MacBook Pro v2.1 actually). When started, pymol 
draws a black rectangle from the bottom of the Pymol viewer window all the
way to the top of the screen such that the Nautilus menus are covered in
black. Also the Ray Tracing demo in pymol does the same thing. The progress
bar for the ray tracing isn't drawn within the boundaries of the Pymol viewer
window but is placed in the Nautilus menu bar in the top of the screen instead.
I am hoping that reverting to DRI1 might eliminate these artifacts (which
don't exist under the radeon driver in Fedora 10).
ps This same issue is seen with the blender program when you select its menus
within the blender windows.

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