What software is missing in the Fedora repository?

Robin Laing Robin.Laing at drdc-rddc.gc.ca
Tue May 12 15:35:50 UTC 2009

Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> Hi,
> I am doing a quick survey for software that you use on a regular basis
> that is not available via the Fedora repository. Software that you
> suggest should be free and open source, free of patent and other legal
> issues.
> Tell me the home page of the software and give me a brief description on
> what it does.  Bonus points if you can see in Google for "software-name
> fedora package review" to figure it if it is already in the Fedora
> package review queue. If you know of RPM packages in other distributions
> for the software your are suggesting, that information is useful as well.
> Rahul

I have one that is preventing me from upgrading my wife's and daughters 


I have been in contact with the author about updating the software but I 
cannot build it on F10.  Not enough experience yet on my part.

My other issue is there are packages within Fedora that are based on 
older release candidates that have updated development 
(SVN/CVS/GIT)versions but not release versions.  One it the Motorola 
Phone package.  Moto4lin



Here is a product that is not maintained but the SVN has been updated 
multiple times to fix minor problems and add the number of phones 
supported but as the Fedora maintainer states, until an official release 
is out, forget it.


I feel that this is a diservice to Fedora users.

The best way of answering this is to look at the software packages 
available for Ubuntu and cross reference.  The responses on this list 
are going to be those that subscribe to this list.  The users that don't 
subscribe but try Fedora and drop it due to missing package will never 

Robin Laing

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