comcast, port 25, and postfix?

Tom Horsley tom.horsley at
Thu May 14 13:18:37 UTC 2009

On Thu, 14 May 2009 08:34:58 -0400
David wrote:

> Comcast stopped using port 25 for their smtp and not uses port 587. And
> they did say it was to do as suggested. To stop spam relays.

I'm not saying its a bad idea, I'm just trying to figure out the
source of the ominous message about them detecting port 25 activity
on my cablemodem. Why not just come out with a nice straightforward
message saying "Hey, there is too much spam relaying, we're gonna block
port 25 everywhere".

But if there is some weird fedora app sitting in cron and trying to
use port 25 every once in a while, I'm now determined to find it! :-).
(Just to keep this on topic for fedora list).

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