if no NFS server clients are waiting..

Tom Horsley tom.horsley at att.net
Thu May 14 13:25:29 UTC 2009

On Thu, 14 May 2009 15:09:04 +0200
Michael Casey wrote:

> I tried on the client side with other mount options: intr, soft
> it still waits

Yep, NFS is primarily a pain in the patoot. The only solution
I have found is to explicitly code around it where I can by doing
things like stating files in a separate process that will send the
results back to the main process so I can do my own reasonable
timeout and leave the poor NFS accessing child hung until it
eventually goes away.

You can do something like that up front and umount -l the
offending systems (the -l option is a Godsend, it actually works
immediately with no timeout).

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