Compiling C scripts with gstreamer libraries

Guilherme Raymo Longo grlongo.ireland at
Mon May 18 15:43:27 UTC 2009

Hi mates.
Ive just started using Fedora distribution and I got stuck trying to compile
a program using gcc.

I used to compile in other distr. using the following command:

gcc -Wall $(pkg-config --cflags --libs gstreamer-0.10) code.c -o file

Im getting a error saying that gstreamer-0.10 couldn´t be found.

How is the proper sintax to compile a C code with gstreamer libraries??? It
works pretty well in slackware so I presume it is a Fedora particularity!

Guilherme Raymo Longo
Software Developer
Mob. 087 - 3179008
msn: grlongo.ireland at
skype: grlongo.ireland
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