Using sftp through HTTP authenticating proxy

Donald Russell russell.don at
Thu Oct 22 22:26:54 UTC 2009

I'd like to use sftp to connect to a system on the outside but have to go
through an HTTP proxy.

When I try to connect, I get an error back from the proxy server saying
Authentication is required.

nc: Proxy error: "HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required"
ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

The question is: How/where do I specify the userid/password for this

I added this line to my ~/.sh/ssh_config file for the appropriate outside
ProxyCommand /usr/bin/nc -v -X connect -x <my Proxy Server Address>:443 %h

If it's any help, I can use puTTY to connect to to other outside systems,
and I go through that same proxy/port. In putty I specify my proxy
userid/password and all is well.

How do I get sftp to do that too?

I've read through man 5 ssh_config and just don't see it... and I also do
not see anything in man nc :-(

Any help is appreciated.

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