unused partition space after clonezilla move?

Brian Millett bmillett at gmail.com
Mon Oct 26 13:36:41 UTC 2009

On Mon, 2009-10-26 at 11:59 +0100, Christoph Höger wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just moved my fedora to a newer, more power saving, larger and
> faster disk. 
> I made up new Partitions (bigger than the old ones) and used clonezilla
> for the move. This worked pretty well except for the partition space: 
> I have now e.g. 205GB unused space on my /home partition. How do I get
> the fs to cover the whole part?

Get systemrescuecd. 

Boot off of it.  Use gparted to expand the partition in question.

I use it all of the time with clonezilla.  to resize a partition to make
it smaller before cloneing, then expanding the partition afterwards so I
same storage and it is easier to migrate with a smaller partition.
(clonezilla will not restore to a smaller partition)

> And afterwards: Is there a way to convert an ext3 into ext4 fs from the
> desktop (seems it is hard to unmount /home)


Brian Millett - [ Delenn and Sinclair, "The Gathering"]
"Why Babylon 5? If the prior four stations were lost or destroyed, why
    build another?"
'Plain old human stubbornness I guess. When something we value is destroyed,
    we rebuild it. If its destroyed again, we rebuild it again...and again
    and again and...again. Until it stays. That as our poet Tennison once
    said is the goal: to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.'

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