Music Appreciation teaching program ??

Aaron Konstam akonstam at
Mon Sep 21 00:33:12 UTC 2009

> The very thought of me trying to learn to play music would frighten my
> friends and neighbours and send the dog running from the house in sheer
> panic.  
> No, what I was looking for was something in the way of music
> appreciation. I was trying to indicate I wanted something that would let
> me hear what different musical terms meant as well as offer an
> introduction to different kinds of music.  Aaron Konstam's suggestion of
> starting at child's level seemed to touch on what I meant.  However when
> it comes to the best means to learn about music/sound/noise, I am
> necessarily in the hands of others.
Reading the above paragraph makes me think I may have wasted your time.
TamTam will not do what you describe above. But is will let you play
around with various instrument sounds and do some simple composition.
You might want to try it just for fun and seeing what Sugar is all
Don't plan any hasty moves. You'll be evicted soon anyway.
Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail: akonstam at

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