sound on Fedora 11 XFCE spin (all machines)

Globe Trotter itsme_410 at
Thu Sep 24 12:50:39 UTC 2009


I have installed the official Fedora 11 XFCE spin on three machines (IBM/Lenovo Thinkpad T61, Dell Precision 650, Dell GPX 270) but sound works on none of them. I have looked around quite a bit using release notes to no avail. I have also gone into alsamixer and unmuted and increased the volume of everything in sight! Still no luck! Is there a place to read and understand what is going on, and how to fix it? This can not be a hardware issue: The Thinkpad is a 64-bit system and the others are 32-bit. All sound worked very well up to and including Fedora 10. (And I much preferred the three-tone sound of system-config-sound, by the way...)

Any help is much appreciated!

Best wishes,


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