I can't connect via ssh

James Wilkinson fedora at aprilcottage.co.uk
Fri Sep 25 21:25:37 UTC 2009

Germán Racca wrote:
> Hi list:
> I need to use ssh to transfer data between a PC and a notebook, both
> with Fedora 11, but the result is, from notebook to PC:
> $ ssh xx.xx.xx.xx
> ssh: connect to host xx.xx.xx.xx port 22: No route to host
> $ ping xx.xx.xx.xx
> >From xx.xx.xx.xx icmp_seq=11 Destination Host Unreachable 
> >From xx.xx.xx.xx icmp_seq=12 Destination Host Unreachable
> >From xx.xx.xx.xx icmp_seq=13 Destination Host Unreachable
> >From PC to notebook there is no response.
> Please can anybody help me?

It would help a lot if we knew a bit more about the setup. Are *all* the
xx.xx.xx.xxs the same? Are they both on the same wired network? Have you
checked the firewall on whichever one is to be a server to check that it
allows SSH through? If you haven’t chosen a firewall, you might want to

 * temporarily run
   service iptables stop
   to see if the firewall is causing problems

 * run system-config-firewall, and ensure that SSH is marked as trusted

 * or run
   service iptables status | egrep ":22 "
   and check that there is an output line. If not, you haven't enabled
   SSH through the firewall.

If none of that helps, then I suspect your computers are on different
networks. Can they both access the Internet correctly? What sort of
devices do they use to access the Internet?

Hope this helps,


E-mail:     james@ | [Alan] finally installed his cuckoo clock on the wall.
aprilcottage.co.uk | For some reason this involved falling over in the dark in
                   | the garden, but I haven't dared ask about that yet. I
                   | don't -think- he was trying to catch a cuckoo to put
                   | inside it, but you never know.  -- Telsa Gwynne's Diary

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