Processor Scalability and Linux

Matthew J. Roth mroth at
Tue Aug 10 16:43:12 UTC 2010

JD wrote:
> Thank you Matt! I am glad Linux has kept up with this
> area which is becoming more and more important as
> cpu's multiply their cores.
> Perhaps there will be a refinement that will allow
> the setting of core affinity as well.
> AMD released the 8-core cpu in 2009
> 16 core cpu's are on the horizon, if not already in production.
> So I hope the affinity code will be refined to allow selecting
> a set of cores as well.


I'm fairly certain that taskset doesn't distinguish between CPUs and cores.  If you have 2 quad-core CPUs, it should already allow you to assign the CPU affinity to any set of the 8 available cores.

I think this is just a case of the documentation lagging behind the code.


Matthew Roth
InterMedia Marketing Solutions
Software Engineer and Systems Developer

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