forwarding Syslog messages on localhost:514

Mansuri, Wasim (NSN - IN/Bangalore) wasim.mansuri at
Wed Aug 18 11:48:12 UTC 2010


I have following problem with respect to syslogd on fedora13.

With the following configuration in the /etc/syslog.conf i should be able to receive all syslog messages on localhost:514 port.

*.* @localhost

I am not getting anything on localhost:514. However if additionally i give following in conf file. 

*.* @localhost
*.* @remoteIP

In the I am receiving syslog messages on remoteIP:514 server. I tried to see straces and in strace it does not show any hint about sending data to localhost:514. 

Is this the normal behavior of syslogd or I am missing something in configuration?

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