Sendmail on a LAN

Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at
Wed Aug 18 14:28:24 UTC 2010

 On 08/18/2010 09:06 PM, Tim wrote:
> While the next person to get your IP mayn't actually receive mail,
> they'll still get attempts to connect to their SMTP server, whether or
> not they even have them, until other people's systems find out about
> your new IP.

Sure.  As a matter of fact, I did run an SMTP server on my domain with
dynamic IPs about 8 years ago.  I didn't run into any problems probably
due to several factors.

1.  My system rarely disconnected but when it did it seems the lease
lifetime was set to a high value and I almost always got the same IP
upon reconnection.

2.  Even when I didn't get the same IP the demographics were such that
99% of the time the system that got my IP was a PC running windows and
no SMTP service.

> Long ago, I decided that trying to be my own SMTP server was too much
> trouble to bother with.  You really want a static IP, that costs more.
> You need to handle all the spam, that a dedicated mail host is much more
> proficient at dealing with.  You really need a second backup server,
> that costs more, and since that's external, why not have both external.

I've run my own SMTP server for many years and have not found it too
much trouble....

For a small set up there really is no value to having a second server
and MX record.  I would only put up a secondary server if I had multiple
internet connections into the enterprise.  If my single server dies I
can live without email for the time it takes me to fix the problem and
I'd be too busy fixing it to read email even if I had a backup.  :-)  My
DNS provider offers to act as a backup email server free of charge but
I've never taken them up on the offer.

> I settled for running my own server for our outgoing mail, and let my
> domain's hosting equipment handling my incoming mail.
I'll admit it, I'm a control freak.  :-)

FWIW, I've given up trying to follow the rest of this thread....seems
nobody knows how to trim.  :-)

Politics are almost as exciting as war, and quite as dangerous. In war,
you can only be killed once. -- Winston Churchill 葛斯克 愛德華 / 台北市

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