VirtualBox on Fedora 14

Richard Shaw hobbes1069 at
Wed Dec 8 18:58:36 UTC 2010

On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 12:47 PM, S Mathias <smathias1972 at> wrote:

> Good evening list! :)
> I'm searching for two answers regarding two questions. [and there are two
> "P.S."'s]
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Q1: How can i list all the available kernel modules?
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Q2: I want to install VirtualBox on Fedora 14 [->how could i download the
> kernel source?]:
> wget -q oracle_vbox.asc
> rpm --import oracle_vbox.asc
> rm oracle_vbox.asc virtualbox.rpm

Everything OK so far...

> wget $(wget -q "" -O - |
> perl -ne 'print "$1\n" while (/href=\"(.+?)\"/ig)' | awk '/fedora14/ &&
> /686/ {print}') -O virtualbox.rpm
> rpm -i virtualbox.rpm

You're making things hard on yourself. Follow this link[1] and setup the yum
repository. Then installing is as simple as:

# yum install VirtualBox-3.2

The other packages you need is the kernel headers (not the whole source) and
dkms (dynamic kernel module support), i.e.:

# yum install kernel-devel dkms

> And then, the fun part:
> # /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup


Try "service vboxdrv setup" instead. Not really the problem but from what
I've read it's a more appropriate method.

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> P.S. 1: This is not working [bug on website? ]:
> # wget -q | rpm --import -
> error: -: import read failed(-1).
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> P.S. 2: When i wanted to install VirtualBox, i tried this [when running in
> to the kernel source "issue"]:
> But when i'm here:
> # yumdownloader -e core-source -e updates-source --source kernel
> Usage: "yumdownloader [options] package1 [package2] [package..]
> CRITICAL:yum.cli:Command line error: option -e: invalid integer value:
> 'core-source'
> gives an error :O so i wanted to:
> yum remove rpmdevtools yum-utils
> ->
> Is it safe to remove "anaconda"?
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

You don't want to just download it, you want to install it. But as I said,
you don't need the whole source, just the headers which is provided by the
kernel-devel package.

> Thank you in advance! :\ [sorry, i'm a beginner in Fedora :\ ]

No problem!


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