what do livesys and livesys_late services do?

Ranjan Maitra maitra at iastate.edu
Sun Dec 12 20:09:38 UTC 2010

On Sun, 12 Dec 2010 13:54:08 -0600 Kevin Fenzi <kevin at scrye.com> wrote:

> On Sat, 11 Dec 2010 16:38:18 -0600
> Ranjan Maitra <maitra at iastate.edu> wrote:
> > Thanks, btw, there are a number of rpms etc that are involved in the
> > installation. It would be nice if the LiveCD installation would
> > automatically get rid of things that are never going to be of any use.
> Can you provide some examples? 
> Things installed are there because they were specifically requested or
> are required by things that do. :) 

OK, let us see: the most obvious one is anaconda. This should be
eliminated after installation, unless there can be some
conceivable/remote reason (which I do not know of) for keeping them. 

> > The Ubuntu LiveCD (such as XFCE/LXDE) for instance has an explicit
> > process which describes unneeded rpms (they call them .debs) being
> > removed. It would be more efficient and less wasteful of resources for
> > F to also get rid of these rpms which have no role to play as
> > installation. 
> The scripts we are talking about are not in any package, they are an
> artifact of the live media install. If you look at them, you should see
> that in fact they just exit and do nothing on an installed system. ;) 

Agreed. But that is why there is no reason to still keep them around?

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