About programing, a general question

David Liguori liguorid at albany.edu
Wed Dec 22 17:20:41 UTC 2010

On 12/21/2010 8:18 PM, Matt Smith wrote:
> Can we please get c++ involved in the discussion, it runs circles
> around C on all levels..
Not in terms of executable file size or speed of execution.  I took a 
course in high performance scientific computing.  An experiment we 
performed was to write a program for the sum of three huge arrays, 
repeated for larger and larger arrays, until it crashed, in C, C++, 
Fortran and Java.  The C won quite handily at least when the C++ program 
was one that would compile equally well in C.  The compiler was GCC in 
both cases, I don't know about the Fortran or Java (which is not, 
strictly speaking, a "compiled" language).

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