nscd cache works how?

Tom Horsley tom.horsley at att.net
Fri Feb 19 23:07:55 UTC 2010

I get these annoying yp client call timeouts on my desktop
at work. Doing some googling, I find that I should enable
nscd to cache the lookups.

That sounds like a good idea, but I'm just curious how the
devil it actually works. If my yp.conf file points to some
remote NIS server, how does the nscd cache insinuate its
way into the middle of the NIS lookups?

Is talking to nscd built into the glibc code so that
it will use the cache if it is there, and talk to the
remote server otherwise?

Just curious. I've enabled it, now I'll see if the yp
errors stop...

More curiosity: My mailer claims I sent this yesterday, but
it hasn't shown up in the archives or my copy of the users
list, so I'm trying it again. Anyone have any idea where the
original might have gone? (Maybe I used the wrong sender addr?).

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