pulseaudio memory usage possible leak

Paolo Galtieri pgaltieri at gmail.com
Sat Feb 20 19:44:07 UTC 2010

I'm starting to like chrome more and more.  The only issue I have with
chrome is viewing the list of extensions.  Chrome is quickly gaining
extensions, but when I try to peruse the extensions I can't see all of
them.  When I look at the "Most popular" ones the first page shows "Results
1 - 10 of 2,810", the next page shows "Results 11 - 20 of 2,810", etc.  Page
100 shows "Results 991 - 1000 of 2,810", but page 101 shows Results 1001 -
1000 of 2,810 and it shows no extensions.  Subsequent pages fail to show any
extensions either.  Is there a way to see all the extensions?

Regarding pulseaudio I suspect that the amount of memory allocated by it and
other applications depends on the amount of memory in the system.  I have
2GB of memory in my system so that may explain the 500Mb.


On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 10:58 AM, Mail Lists <lists at sapience.com> wrote:

> On 02/20/2010 01:20 PM, Paolo Galtieri wrote:
> > I'm using chrome on F12.  It seems to handle things better.  At least it
> > doesn't completely crash like firefox, it just reports that there was a
> > problem with flash, but it keeps running.
>   Thanks for your thougts ..
>  But 500 MB for a daemon which pipes data via a few connections sounds
> high to me ... no graphics in the daemon either ... just a small
> switchboard ... not sure what else it might be doing if not leaking mem ?
>  I use google-chrome exclusively (64 bit) with flash and sun java -
> generally works way way better than FF - which I suspect will be
> marginalized and replaced by google-chrome as times goes by. chrome is
> so so so sooo  much better (faster, more secure etc).
> gene
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