fetchmail [FAILED] need more info

Clint Dilks clintd at scms.waikato.ac.nz
Mon Jan 11 01:36:24 UTC 2010

Gene Smith wrote:
> When I start service fetchmail all I see if [FAILED] in the startup 
> messages. I see nothing in the log messages, syslog or dmesg. Is there a 
> way to get more info on this?
> I can manually start my fetchmail using "service fetchmail start" after 
> system is up and running and it works fine.
> -gene
Hi in this case its most probably the timing of when fetchmail is trying 
to start.  So first check the obvious is fetchmail trying to start 
before Networking is up for example.  You can modify when the service is 
starting by modifying the chkconfig line in your init script. 

chkconfig: 35 99 95 means start in runlevels 3 and 5 S99 and K95

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