Who do I file this bug with ?!?

William Case billlinux at rogers.com
Sat Jan 16 03:18:15 UTC 2010

Hi Ed;

On Sat, 2010-01-16 at 10:29 +0800, Ed Greshko wrote:
> William Case wrote:
> >
> >>> All the problems seemed to have started with this advice I
> >>> received from bugzilla:
> >>>
> >>> ---------- https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=554236
> >>>
> >>>

> OK....  But I am still not clear about your bugzilla....
> In your bugzilla you say....

> So, it seems you have no Windows machines and neither of your F12
> systems are running samba.  But, since you do have a /etc/samba/lmhosts
> you do have samba-common installed.  Chances are you also have
> samba-client installed.
> Now, when you bring up nautilus you open the places "network" and see a
> "Windows Network" icon.  This is perfectly correct since that is the
> purpose of places/network...to show Windows Shares. 
> Now, if I were you I'd run wireshark to capture packet information using
> (initially) a capture filter of "port 137" and see what you get when you
> double click on "Windows Network".
That is exactly what I want to know.  I did not want to see Windows
shares because I knew I had no Windows on my network.  When it kept
showing up I couldn't find or figure out what Windows/samba files were
producing the 'Windows Network'.  I guess I didn't explain myself very
well because no one before you could grasp on to what I was looking for.

As often happens, what started out as a small task to remove a minor
irritation has blossomed into a two day event taking up several people's
time. I apologize for that.  

I am currently installing Wireshark.  If your are interested I will tell
you what I get and what I have removed (moved aside).

And then I will take another run at getting Tigervnc running, which is
where I originally started.

Thanks again!

Regards Bill
Fedora 12, Gnome 2.28
Evo.2.28, Emacs 23.1.1

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