Mplayer plugin compiler errors

Marko Vojinovic vvmarko at
Mon Jan 18 22:39:10 UTC 2010

On Monday 18 January 2010 21:33:44 Smith, Herb wrote:
> I downloaded the mplayer plugin for Firefox, unpacked it into a folder and
>  tried to build it per the instructions with the default settings
>  (configure then make).  I get an error that I'm missing a file and then I
>  get numerous errors regarding things in some of the header files and other
>  source files as though gcc is complaining about stuff that is not defined
>  (perhaps defined in that missing file...)
> Here is what I get:
> include/npplat.h:42:19: error: npupp.h: No such file or directory
> What am I missing here?

You are missing two things. First, there is a precompiled plugin:

$ yum info gecko-mediaplayer
Description: Gecko Media Player is a browser plugin that uses GNOME MPlayer to 
play media in a browser. It should work with all browsers on Unix-ish 
systems(Linux, BSD, Solaris) and use the NS4 API (Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, 

If that is what you are looking for, it is enough to do a "yum install gecko-
mediaplayer". You should have rpmfusion repo enabled for this, but since you 
have installed mplayer I guess you already do.

Second, if you insist on compiling whatever you downloaded yourself,

$ yum whatprovides */npupp.h
qt3-devel-3.3.8b-28.fc12.x86_64 : Development files for the Qt 3 GUI toolkit
qt3-devel-3.3.8b-28.fc12.i686 : Development files for the Qt 3 GUI toolkit

so you should "yum install qt3-devel" and try again. If it reports another file 
missing, ask yum what package provides that file and install it. Rinse and 

As a rule of thumb, when compiling, the first error reported is usually the key 
one to resolve. Most errors that follow are typically a consequence of the 
first one (though not necessarily).

HTH, :-)

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