Anyone know how to rsync or ssh to an ftp site? (Follow on to Tar Oddity)

Patrick O'Callaghan pocallaghan at
Fri Jan 22 20:19:36 UTC 2010

On Fri, 2010-01-22 at 21:12 +0100, DB wrote:
> Now.... seeing how brilliant rsync is at updating my /home on the 2 
> machines, I thought it'd be a Good Idea to try and use it to keep a 
> website I look after, up to date.  Problem is - how do I specify the 
> "receiver" address, when I only have an ftp access to the distant
> system 
> (& I guess my chances of installing rsync on a provider's system is 
> about as good as......)  All the notes I read on the 'net seem to
> work 
> with ip addresses, which I don't know how to find for my target...

This makes no sense if the remote system isn't running rsync as well,
either via the rsync: protocol prefix, or by executing an rsync process
on an ssh login. You can't rsync to an ftp daemon.


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