File Alteration Monitor

Sam Varshavchik mrsam at
Mon Jan 25 11:38:38 UTC 2010

Rahul Tidke writes:

> Hi Guys!
>   I am trying to sync two network locations in real-time (with acceptable
> time lag) and just found this FAM and IMON from SGI
> ( , I also found one package Gamin
> but don't know how to setup this. Can someone point me in right direction to
> achieve this?

yum install gamin

There's nothing else to set up.

> I am able to rsync two locations using simple cron job and RSA key
> authentication (password less, using Keychain). 
> Do I need to build a custom kernel for this (FAM and IMON)?

No. Gamin is a replacement for FAM in earlier Fedora releases. Both use the 
same kernel API.

You might be misundersting what Gamin/FAM is. It is not a tool for 
synchronizing contents of directories. It's an API by which an application 
gets notified whenever the contents of a directory change. By "contents of a 
directory" means "the names of files in a directory", that is "when new 
files are created in a directory, existing files are removed, or renamed", 
and not "contents of any file in a directory". As such, there is nothing to 
configure. An application uses the appropriate Gamin/FAM API, and then gets 
notified when that happens.

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