Appeal to the kmod maintainer of VirtualBox over at rpmfusion

Paul paul at
Wed Jun 9 19:52:22 UTC 2010


Please, could you rebuild the latest rawhide kernels the modules
required for VirtualBox-OSE? The latest ones are ages old and won't work
unless I'm using a seriously old kernel.

I would do it, but can't get the things to build!



P.S. VirtualBox-OSE-devel won't install on rawhide either... pre script
Biggles was quietly reading his favourite book when Algy burst through
the door. Distracted for a moment, Biggles surveyed what had happened
and turned a page. "Algy old man" he said, clearing his throat, "use the
handle next time..." - Taken from "Biggles combs his Hair"
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