Why is Dolphin in Lost and Found ?

Patrick O'Callaghan pocallaghan at gmail.com
Fri Jun 11 04:24:59 UTC 2010

On Thu, 2010-06-10 at 21:10 -0600, Linuxguy123 wrote:
> I use Dolphin a lot and thus I had an icon for it installed in my lower
> panel on my KDE desktop.
> One day after doing an update my Dolphin icon disappeared.   When I went
> searching for the Dolphin application in the application launcher I
> couldn't find the Dolphin app in Utilities anymore.  But I did find it
> in Lost and Found.  And it doesn't have its icon anymore.
> Why did it go there ?   How do I get it back where its supposed to be ?

Looks like your filesystem is flaky. Lost+Found is where fsck leaves
files whose directory entries have been lost. In an earlier message you
said the disk is fine (I'm assuming you're talking about the same
machine), however that *doesn't* mean the filesystem hasn't accumulated
errors over time, especially if it hasn't been fsck'ed on a regular
basis. This might, also explain your boot problems.


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