fedora12 samba configration

Hou Xiang ZHU hou-xiang.zhu at st.com
Mon Jun 14 02:36:08 UTC 2010


I am switching from Fedora9 to Fedora12. the system-config-samba works 
under fedora9 but not for Fedora12.

my user login account is "zhuhx", I can't use system-config-samba to add 
a user. when I try to add, it says "zhuhx" already exists. indeed, in 
/etc/samba/smbusers , there is a line "zhuhx = testname". but the 
problem is that the system-config-samba GUI can't show user "zhuhx", so 
I can't add it to access some shares folder.

What is the problem?

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