What the %$%@ is up with firefox

Paolo Galtieri pgaltieri at gmail.com
Sat Jun 26 15:02:46 UTC 2010

I logged into my laptop this AM and discovered that during the night firefox
had crashed.  I restarted it and now it wont display any sites.  Every tab
that is supposed to auto start is blank, even though it remembers the site
address it wont load content no matter how many times I reload the page.
Some sites, e.g. mail.google.com, I get a message:

Server not found

Firefox can't find the server at mail.google.com.

but entering

host mail.google.com

at the command line I get

mail.google.com is an alias for googlemail.l.google.com.
googlemail.l.google.com has address
googlemail.l.google.com has address

Furthermore if I run chrome it all works as expected.  It seems firefox gets
worse every release.

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