Dogtag @ fc13

J.Witvliet at J.Witvliet at
Mon Jun 28 10:15:57 UTC 2010

Hi all,

I noticed that dogtag is shipped along on the FC13-dvd.
Is this supposed to be working OOTB?

All related packages installed without any hitch,
But when I try to start one of the daemons from /etc/init.d,
They complain that thereis no "registered  subsystem instance"

Fair enough; but when I type pkiconsole I get a message that I should use a browser at

But when I try this for localhost, it fails, because according to lsof -I, nobody is listening on this port.

Anybody who can tell me what prior configuration must be done before I can use pkiconsole?

Kind regards, Hans

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