KDE Plasmoid regressions?

Marko Vojinovic vvmarko at gmail.com
Thu Mar 18 16:04:16 UTC 2010

Hi folks! :-)

I didn't ask about this since KDE 4.4.0 because I thought it was just
a temporary glitch or something, but now in 4.4.1 I see the same
thing, so it makes sense to ask:

(1) How do I switch the Digital Clock plasmoid from am/pm mode to 24hr
mode? How do I make Monday to be the first day of the week in the

(2) How do I switch the System Monitor - Temperature plasmoid from the
Fahrenheit to Celsius mode?

(3) How do I adjust the colors of graphs in CPU and Network system
monitor plasmoids?

In KDE 4.3 I sort of remember I had all this set up right, but since
4.4.0 it reverted automatically to these weird defaults, while
appropriate options in plasmoids settings have been removed?! This is
happening on both F11 and F12.

Or am I missing something obvious?

Thanks, :-)

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