word processor/article referencing (non-fedora question-sorry)

Patrick O'Callaghan pocallaghan at gmail.com
Thu May 6 02:44:50 UTC 2010

On Thu, 2010-05-06 at 11:19 +1000, Nermin Celik wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to ask a non-fedora related question - apologies for
> this...
> I was just wondering what word processor you use on a Unix system,
> other than vi/gvim, a program that allows article
> references/bibliography.
> I'm using OpenOffice and Bibus for article referencing however bibus
> crashes very often.
> Is there such a program like Microsoft Office + Endnote, in Unix
> environment, that is ideal for referencing articles in a document?

Many academics use LaTeX+BibTeX. Not a word processor but actually
something more powerful. On Linux you can use it via the Kile system if
you want an integrated interface, or just vi/emacs with their LaTeX
editing environments..


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