OpenVPN server setup

Bill Davidsen davidsen at
Wed May 26 16:45:32 UTC 2010

I have OpenVPN here, which I set up long ago by hand generating the 
keys, moving them to the right places, adding the start to rc.local, and 
sending the client keys out securely for hand install on the client. Now 
I'm trying to help someone set up a server and client  (both FC11 or 
FC12) and hopefully by now there's some nice GUI or automated way, 
because the person I'm trying to help is separated from me by time zone 
and language, and the thought of doing this through a translator is way 

Is there a nice wiki or FAQ I can give him, and let him handle getting 
it translated? I'm doing this as a favor, and minimum pain would be nice.

Bill Davidsen <davidsen at>
  "We can't solve today's problems by using the same thinking we
   used in creating them." - Einstein

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