Why are the _nightly_ builds build once in a ... week???

Frank Murphy frankly3d at gmail.com
Sun May 30 15:04:49 UTC 2010

On 30/05/10 15:08, Joshua C. wrote:
> This is not exactly correct. It foo+1 isn't in the build system then
> the automatic script will throw out an error. 

No because how will an auto script know to expect foo+1.
It will accept fooX (the borked one)
An error will only be thrown iirc, if there is no foo.
Without eyes watching.

At the end we'll see at
> least a try to build the isos but this is not the case accorinding to
> the logs.

At the moment Rawhide is no longer directly installable.
Which means the only way to get it is FedoraN + updateToRawhide.
I will hazard a guess that nightlies will resume when
Rawhide gets to F14-Branched (3mths?)


Frank Murphy
UTF_8 Encoded
Friend of Fedora

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