End of life for FC12?

Patrick O'Callaghan pocallaghan at gmail.com
Sun Nov 28 06:20:58 UTC 2010

On Sat, 2010-11-27 at 20:52 -0800, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> I still have been unable to get an rational answer as to why Windows 7
> needs 20 GB(!) just to install.  Never mind the applications.  What
> miraculous things does W7 do that it requires so much space?  No
> Windows user seems to know.  Or care.  Well, I don't care either, but
> I do wonder. ;-)

The short answer is that it doesn't. I have a Win7 VM in a 20GB image
and 50% is free. That's with some apps and user files.

The other answer is "because it can". 20GB is nothing these days. You
might as well ask why it takes a machine faster than the fastest
supercomputers of a couple of decades ago and with more RAM than total
*disk space* of the mainframes of yesteryear just to run a single-user
graphical desktop which spends well over 90% of its time doing
absolutely nothing.

As the saying goes: "Intel giveth and Microsoft taketh away".


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