F13/F14 on an iPad ?

Michael Cronenworth mike at cchtml.com
Fri Oct 22 14:10:29 UTC 2010

Zhang zz wrote:
> I hears of Windows 3.1 and windows 95 running on
> iPhone/touch, and I heard of android running on iPhone/touch. I wonder
> how hard it is to install linux on iPad?

It would be *impossible* to run Windows 3.1 or 95 on an iPad.


Because an iPad uses an ARM/RISC architecture CPU. Windows 3.1 and 95 
have binaries meant for a x86/CISC architecture CPU. Whatever you saw on 
the internet was faked.

That being said, running a different OS on the device is unlikely unless 
the flashing tools are reverse engineered. I would have little interest 
in it anyway as the device is overpriced. Typical of a Mac product.

You're better off buying a tablet laptop and installing Fedora on that. 
Example: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834110420

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