Java allows root access without permission?

Michael Cronenworth mike at
Wed Oct 27 20:00:00 UTC 2010

Fedora 13 x86_64 with OpenJDK (not Sun) installed.

I was required to login to a web site today to configure a VPN and the 
site installed a Cisco VPN Java applet. When it was finished installing 
and was running I noticed the processes where running as root and had 
installed into /opt. I had not given it my root password or any 
permission to do so. It did not install any RPM package. It was all 
driven by a Java applet.

$ ps -efw #id 502 is me
502       4791  2668  0 11:16 ?        00:00:19 
root      4923     1  0 11:16 ?        00:00:00 /opt/cisco/vpn/bin/vpnagentd

Is this something "allowed" by some configuration setting in OpenJDK 
somewhere? I'd like to turn off this "feature" ASAP.


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