MySQL not working with PHP

Mike Wright mike.wright at
Sun Sep 12 15:09:55 UTC 2010

Aaron Gray wrote:
> I have an F11 system.
> I have several PHP apps that use MySQL including MediaWiki but they are 
> failing to work giving error 500 
> phpinfo() is working and showing MySQL.
> When I try to connect to it I get the following error :-
>     Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket 
> '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (13)

I had a similar issue with f10.  In previous releases mysql.sock was 
indeed located in /var/lib/mysql but in f10 it had moved to /tmp.  I had 
to edit /etc/my.cnf to change the socket setting.

Maybe that's the problem?

Hope that helps,

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