[OT] anybody knows how to open PDF's in google-chrome with acroread, and not with pdfedit

Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at greshko.com
Tue Sep 14 07:08:36 UTC 2010


> Hi,
> I'm using google-chrome-6.0.472.53 for the first time in F14, and pdf's
> are always opened with pdfedit within google-chrome. What I want is to
> open pdf files with acroread, outside of google-chrome. I found nothing
> in the g-chr help pages. How to configure this?
> Anybody can help? 

Well....  I'm running the most recent version of GC on F11.  I don't
have pdfedit installed and I don't recall how it came that GC opens pdf
files with acroread. 

But, saying that, a possible fix would be to go to "Options-->Under the
Hood" and "Clear auto-opening settings" and see if you are given options
the next time you select a PDF.

Immature poets imitate, mature poets steal. -- T.S. Eliot, "Philip
Massinger" 葛斯克 愛德華 / 台北市八德路四段

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