help needed on patitionning

夜神 岩男 supergiantpotato at
Sat Aug 6 21:40:44 UTC 2011

On 08/07/2011 04:12 AM, Adam Tong wrote:
> Hi,
> I cannot install fedora 15 in my new laptop.

I think we can fix that.

> At the time of partitionning during the installation process it blocks giving me a message that it cannot allocate enough free space.

That is because it needs "free" disk space to allocate to a new 
partition. In your partitioning scheme below everything is already 
allocated. As in, sda3 is an extended partition (nothing wrong there), 
and everything inside of it is already formatted, so there is no room to 
make a new partition.

> Here is what i see:
> sda1  1500 ntfs
> sda2 307240 ntfs
> sda3 158669 Extended
>     sda5  141674 ntfs
>     sda6 16992  extended
> sda4 9529 ntfs
> I choose "create custom layout" then sda3, then selected / as the standard partition mount point

This is where the mistake is. You can't select "sda3" yet because it is 
not blank space, it is an NTFS partition. You need to select sda3, then 
select "delete partition". Then you must "create partition" which will 
allow you to use the space you just freed as the base area for the 
filesystem you are going to format to (probably btrfs or ext4).

You will need to delete sda6 also (I think) if you want to use that 
space to create a swap partition area.

If this explanation doesn't make sense to you, ask a different way and 
one of us will explain a different way.

Good luck and have fun with your new system!


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