Major upgrade failure

JB jb.1234abcd at
Tue Dec 6 20:39:46 UTC 2011

Joe Zeff <joe <at>> writes:

> ... 
> I now have two crippled computers, 
> one that can't boot into the newest kernel and one that can't properly 
> boot except into CLI mode.  People, I really, really need some help!

I think you should download and burn F16 live-cd (XFCE I guess is safest for
you) and start with a clean install.

F14 is a non-systemd system and F16 is a systemd system, so it can be tricky;
on top of that you have a graphics card driver problem (perhaps nvidia or

Save whatever personal data (but not any config files) you can and want to
a separate partition or elsewhere (cd-rw, for example).

Why fight if you can start fresh ? In this upgrade path it is preferable.


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