fedora equivalent of recovery disk

Joe Zeff joe at zeff.us
Mon Dec 12 21:42:34 UTC 2011

On 12/12/2011 01:29 PM, g wrote:
> but it may not be an option and is something only op can answer.

Yeah; spending $50 for an external drive isn't an option when you don't 
know where next month's rent is coming from and all you have to eat is 
what your Food Stamps will cover.  BTDTGTTS.  I hate throwing somebody 
else's money at a problem because I've had it done to me too many times 
when  I was broke, but I figured that in this case, either the expense 
would be trivial or the OP would tell us why that's not an option, in 
which case I'd try to think of something le$$ expen$ive.

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